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King Arthur (2)
Lord of the Rings Swords
Hobbit Swords
Game of Thrones (3)
Movie, Book, and Fantasy Swords (1)
Kit Rae Swords (2)
300 Movie Swords and Armor
Functional Swords
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Tactical, Hunting, and Survival Weapons
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Gil Hibben Knives
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Fantasy Jewelry (11)
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Best Sellers
01.The One Ring of Power
03.Chain Mail Coif
04.Chain Mail Shirt
05.Kit Rae Universal Sword Plaque
06.Metal Glo
07.Excalibur Damascus Edition
08.Monk / Jedi Robe
09.Monk's Robe & Hood
10.Tunic of Guy
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Brass Chain Mail Coif
I asked about getting a brass plated steel chain mail coif t ..
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Welcome to CBswords.com. We carry officially licensed sword replicas from movies such as The Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit or TV Shows, books, and other media. As well as original designs and some tactical or functional blades. We've been in business since 2003 and have tens of thousands of satisfied customers. Most in-stock orders ship within 1 business day from our Tennessee warehouse, we ship worldwide and have negotiated shipping discounts with UPS for international freight, discounts that we can pass along to you.
