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Best Sellers
01.Chain Mail Coif
02.Chain Mail Shirt
03.Steel Vambraces
04.Embossed Viking Helmet
05.Brass Chain Mail Coif
06.Gladiator Helmet (OUT OF STOCK)
07.Brass Plated Chain Mail Shirt
08.Black Steel Chain Mail Coif
09.Anodized Aluminum Chain Mail Shirt w/ Leather Trim
10.Black Steel Chain Mail Shirt
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Brass Chain Mail Coif
I asked about getting a brass plated steel chain mail coif t ..
5 of 5 Stars!
  Top » Catalog » Armor » BrassCoif » Reviews
Brass Chain Mail Coif
by Glen Jacobs Date Added: Friday 04 February, 2005
I asked about getting a brass plated steel chain mail coif to go with the brass plated chain mail shirt that I purchsed from CBSwords and guess what?
They got me one! I am very happy with the shine and luster of the brass plate on the chain maul. It fits under the Helmet of Elendil very well and looks great with the brass shirt and steel gorget and pauldrons. If only they offered gauntlets and greaves.
I highly recommend these pieces of armour.
Glen Jaocbs

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]

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