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  Top » Catalog » Game of Thrones » Tyrion

Tyrion Statue

Tyrion Statue
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Model Tyrion
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When Dark Horse began developing a line of collectible sculptural pieces based on HBO’s Game of Thrones, we discovered that we had the full attention of all involved in the production.

In looking for the best subject matter from the then-unseen season 2, we asked producer/writers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, “What is the most ‘statue-worthy’ moment in season 2?”
The answer was the moment when Tyrion, as portrayed by Peter Dinklage, charges into battle, leading the defense of King’s Landing against an assault by King Stannis Baratheon in the Battle of the Blackwater. They further assisted with special photographic reference taken during filming, expressly as sculpture reference for this piece
10” high, 10.5” across its base.
Limited edition of 3000, numbered.

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 06 September, 2013.
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